[OpenSIPS-Users] Dynamic Routing and TLS

Jacek Konieczny jajcus at jajcus.net
Mon Mar 30 07:53:23 EST 2020


I have been using the drouting module to route SIP requests from my 
customers to various carriers. This have been working great over the 
years, but now I want to upgrade one of the trunks to TLS and there seem 
to be no way to specify transport for a dr gateway.

I tried to use attributes in the dr_gateways table to mark a gateway as 
TLS-enabled, but this does not help much.

I am stuck at the gateway monitoring. First, due to 
https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/issues/2057 I cannot read the 
gateway attributes in the 'local_route'. Even if that is fixed, it seems 
I am not able to force TLS transport there. Even after I add 
'transport=tls' to the request URI ($ru = $ru + ";transport=tls";) the 
request still goes over UDP.

I have not yet tried to disable the probing and try routing actual 
requests, but I am afraid I will have similar issued in the 'route' 
script. I do have t_relay() there as an option to force TLS, though.

Is there any known way to use drouting with TLS and with automated 
gateway probing/disabling?


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