[OpenSIPS-Users] Dynamic Routing and TLS

Jacek Konieczny jajcus at jajcus.net
Mon Mar 30 09:22:20 EST 2020

On 30.03.2020 09:53, Jacek Konieczny wrote:
> Is there any known way to use drouting with TLS and with automated 
> gateway probing/disabling?

After peeking into the source code and more trial and error I found a 
way. And I have tried a lot before sending my previous mail too.

I had to add 'sips:' prefix to the 'address' column of the 'dr_gateways' 
table *and* to set the 'socket' field there (otherwise opensips would 
fail with 'ERROR:core:get_out_socket: no socket found').

I would prefer not to have any socket addresses in that database (I 
would keep that in the server configuration), but I can live with it.

I find this quite confusing and documentation lacking a bit.


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