[OpenSIPS-Users] opensips as load-balancer - configuration

Pavel Eremin eremina.net at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 22:33:24 EST 2019

Hello, my 5 cents for understanding load balancer scheme:


ср, 18 дек. 2019 г. в 22:31, Abu Ibrahim via Users <users at lists.opensips.org

> Hi,
> I recently started using opensips and installed 3.0 version by following
> the steps available at opensips.org. My requirement is just to set up
> Opensips as load-balancer between two backend sip servers (actually two
> freeswitch servers) which will be working as registrars and call routing
> servers. So my opensips will just be load balancing REGISTER and INVITEs to
> my two backend freeswitch servers.
> After installing the opensips, I've tried route scripts mentioned on the
> following two links but none of them is working and calls are always failed
> with 404 not found.
> https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Tutorials-LoadBalancing-1-9
> https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/Enterprise+deployment+OpenSIPS
> I am attaching my configuration details in the text file here.
> Can someone please help me further what exact or minimal configuration and
> routing script required at opensips side to accept my traffic and load
> balance as mentioned above? Also, can someone please let me know a good
> tutorial/link where basic call routing, endpoints definition or related
> information for opensips are explained and will be helpful for me to start
> off with the call testing. Thanks in advance
> Regards
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