[OpenSIPS-Users] Clustered User Location Full Sharing persistency and Cassandra

Jock McKechnie jock.mckechnie at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 13:59:51 EDT 2018

Thank you for answering both questions :)

Much appreciated;

 - Jock

On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 12:08 PM, Vlad Patrascu <vladp at opensips.org> wrote:
> Hi Jock,
> The Cassandra module hasn't been well maintained for quite some time up
> until relatively recently (the code wasn't even compiling anymore) so there
> is actually no RPM for it (yet).
> Although the issues have been fixed and the module is now up to date with
> the latest Cassandra drivers, the features required for the usrloc
> clustering have only been implemented on the devel branch for Opensips 3.0.
> Regards,
> Vlad Patrascu
> OpenSIPS Developer
> http://www.opensips-solutions.com
> On 10/09/2018 06:40 PM, Jock McKechnie wrote:
>> Good morning;
>> We are attempting to implement a Full Sharing topology User Location
>> cluster and I'm trying to make sense of whether this can work with
>> Cassandra or not.
>> At present we have a four-node cluster (across two datacentres)
>> working in an in-memory state, with the nodes seeding from each other
>> (by setting the clusterer node definition flags field to 'NULL' for
>> all nodes). We'd like to consider having the data set stored to a
>> Cassandra cluster should we require a complete OpenSIPS cluster
>> restart, however the following line in the USRLOC documentation has me
>> wondering:
>> "Currently, registrations may optionally be fully managed inside NoSQL
>> databases which support key/multi-value column-like associations.
>> Example known backends to support these abstractions at the time of
>> writing are MongoDB and Cassandra. Of these two, only the MongoDB
>> OpenSIPS driver has been so far extended to implement the required
>> NoSQL API endpoints."
>> I read this to say that while both MongoDB and Cassandra can do what
>> is required, only the MongoDB OpenSIPS modules are currently in a
>> state to support it. Is this correct?
>> I can't even work out what RPM the Cassandra module is in, which
>> doesn't help with me attempting to test. :)
>> My thanks for the clarification;
>>   - Jock
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