[OpenSIPS-Users] [Opensips DB]- issue to keep one database view

amel.guesmi at sofrecom.com amel.guesmi at sofrecom.com
Fri Aug 2 08:06:03 UTC 2024

Hello Community,

I have a question regarding the OpenSIPS database setup. I'm currently using a Galera cluster with two OpenSIPS instances, and I'm encountering an issue with maintaining a unified database view.

Specifically, in certain tables such as Dispatcher and Location, the Socket column always contains IP addresses that are specific to each VM. This VM-specific data prevents a unified view of the database, causing inconsistencies between the two OpenSIPS instances.

How can I ensure that both VMs share a unified database view without relying on VM-specific IP addresses in the Socket column?

 Thank you in advance for your assistance.

On belahf of my colleague Wissal

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