[OpenSIPS-Users] Need some information regarding accounting module .

Sasmita Panda spanda at 3clogic.com
Tue Oct 31 08:19:53 UTC 2023

Hi All ,

I just got an wired call example on which the ACC information is not as for
my expectation .

I have Opensips 1.11 version .

Example :
Call started at : *Oct 17 19:24:40:512 *
Re-Invite on this session : *Oct 17 19:24:40:810*

For the Re-Invite The client got " 500 Server Internal Error " which
Opensips gave . After that there was no transaction in the session . The
call got disconnected  due to the error message .

But The ACC info for that call : *Oct 18 07:33:32 (After 12 hr )*

Although Opensips created the 500 error message still the session did not
get cleaned and Acc was printed after so long with a bigger talktime
: duration=43729 . Which is totally beyond my expectation .

 I have attached the opensips config file as well . I am not sure . Do I
need to call drop_accounting while in an error scenario ?

*Thanks & Regards*
*Sasmita Panda*
*Senior Network Testing and Software Engineer*
*3CLogic , ph:07827611765*
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