[OpenSIPS-Users] Unable to enable secure renegotiation option in WolfSSL from OpenSIPs 3.2.2

rkumar at pandorarndlabs.com rkumar at pandorarndlabs.com
Wed Aug 9 08:16:57 UTC 2023



We are getting issue with OpenSIPs using TLS library "WolfSSL" when clients
using OpenSSL 3.0.  we are getting Pre TLS handshake Errors . Please check
and let us know  what can be done to resolve this issue.


ERROR:tls_wolfssl:_wolfssl_tls_accept: New TLS connection [0x7f1276c51740]
from failed to accept

ERROR:tls_wolfssl:_wolfssl_tls_accept: TLS accept error: -313, received
alert fatal error , connection [0x7f1276c51740]

ERROR:proto_tls:tls_read_req: failed to do pre-tls handshake!

INFO:core:tcp_trigger_report: Connection [0x7f1276c51740] is getting release
because of [Read error]



To address above issue we are trying to enable "secure-renegotiation" from
WolfSSL end   but when we enable this , we are getting following error from
WolfSSL library 


error "WRITE DUP and SECURE RENEGOTIATION cannot both be on"


so we disabled "WRITE DUP" and enabled "SECURE RENEGOTIATION" , and
compilation is getting succeeded but  OpenSIPs unable to load  WolfSSL
module as it is using "WRITE DUP" functions in WolfSSL module .


ERROR:core:sr_load_module: could not open module  tls_wolfssl.so: undefined
symbol: wolfSSL_write_dup

ERROR:core:load_module: failed to load module


Software versions used :


OpenSIPs : 3.2.2

Embedded WolfSSL: 4.7.1



V Ravi Kumar

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