[OpenSIPS-Users] Question about qrouting module

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Mon Mar 2 10:05:23 EST 2020

On 02.03.2020 10:05, Abdoul Osséni wrote:
> If I understand well, with dynamic-weights algorithm, for example if I 
> set:
> - warn_threshold_asr = 40
> - warn_penalty_asr = 1
> So, if the gateway defined on each rule has an ASR < 40, so the 
> gateway will have a penality = 1.

Hey, Abdoul!

Thank you for the feedback.  Let me add a new section in the 
documentation which
explains the threshold limits and penalties, as they are not at all obvious.

In short:

ASR, CCR: floating point numbers in [0 - 1] interval (percentages)
PDD, AST: amount of time in milliseconds
ACD: amount of time in seconds

The penalty is a traffic reduction factor, in the [0 - 1] interval.  For 
if I set a 0.5 "ASR warning" penalty, that gateway will receive 50% less 
if the ASR goes below the "warning" limit.  All penalties are multiplied 
so if, for
example, both ASR and PDD are below "warning" limit, it will receive 
only 25% traffic.

Expect the new doc section this week and thank you for the help! :)


Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu | www.opensips-solutions.com

OpenSIPS Summit, Amsterdam, May 2020
OpenSIPS Bootcamp, Miami, March 2020

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