[OpenSIPS-Users] Question on inuse_transactions vs Calls in progress and CPS

CARTWRIGHT, CORY C cc3283 at att.com
Tue Jun 2 01:53:45 EST 2020


We use opensips in sort of a load balancer configuration, not using the load balancer mod.   We handle brokering of SUBSCRIBE / NOTIFY messages for caller name lookups.
When looking at the tm stats I see the inuse_transactions about 10x to 20x the amount of SUB queries I receive.  For example if I'm sending in 3 cps  tm stat shows tm:inuse_transactions:: 66

@300cps ~ tm:inuse_transactions:: 6016

I'm trying to understand why this is, each query averages around 250ms from SUB to NOT.  Dialog consists of  SUB, 200, NOT, 200

I'm hoping for some advice on investigating this, or if I'm just not understanding something some pointers on where to look in the documentation.


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