[OpenSIPS-Users] opensips - graceful maintenance mode?

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Tue Jan 21 06:57:03 EST 2020

On 21.01.2020 13:47, solarmon wrote:
> So to be clear, I cannot use the dispatcher endpoint method to stop 
> responding to SIP Options pings? If I can do that, then that is the 
> equivalent - since our platform would see opensips as unhealthy and 
> not send calls to it.

What do you mean by "dispatcher endpoint method"?  Also, the dispatcher 
ORIGINATES pings to its destinations, it does not RESPOND to them.  
Maybe I'm
not on par with your terminology here :)

Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu | www.opensips-solutions.com

OpenSIPS Summit, Amsterdam, May 2020
OpenSIPS Bootcamp, Miami, March 2020

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