[OpenSIPS-Users] need some help to parse the data I got after doing lookup in location table .

Callum Guy callum.guy at x-on.co.uk
Fri Apr 24 07:13:06 EST 2020

Hi Sasmita,

I would advise that you capture this information in a branch flag during
registration, these will be stored in location and retrieved when
performing a matching lookup().


if ($pr == "ws" || $pr == "wss") {

When you do the lookup this bflag will be loaded and can be utilised to
route as required.

Good luck

On Fri, 24 Apr 2020 at 06:57, Sasmita Panda <spanda at 3clogic.com> wrote:

> Hi ,
> I have a 2 user , 1 is register from browser and another is register from
> a cisco phone . The protocol through which both get register is different .
> browser get register through WSS and cisco phone get register through UDP
> .
> Now while an INVITE comes for any of the user after doing lookup , while
> giving call to browser I wanted to involve Rtpengine in for media
> encryption but while giving call to cisco phone no need of Rtpengine
> involvement  .
> My question is , how I will differentiate both user  ? My knowledge says I
> have to parse the contact I got from lookup , parse that contact and find
> which user register through which protocol and accordingly differentiate
> them .
> If so , then how I will parse the contact ? Please do help me .
> Thank you in advance .
> *Thanks & Regards*
> *Sasmita Panda*
> *Senior Network Testing and Software Engineer*
> *3CLogic , ph:07827611765*
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