[OpenSIPS-Users] I need some suggestions regarding registrar and usrloc module .

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Tue Mar 26 03:30:36 EDT 2019

Hi Sasmita,

Just to be sure I get it right - you do not want OpenSIPS to limit and 
accept only 10 contacts per user (so it can accept more), but you 
OpenSIPS to return up to 10 contact (even if 15 registered) in the 200 
OK reply of the register ?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
OpenSIPS Summit 2019

On 03/25/2019 12:06 PM, Sasmita Panda wrote:
> Hi All ,
> I was using opensips-1.11 previously . Now trying to upgrade this to 
> opensips-2.4 .
> I have a query . I was using a feature , if a username is register 
> from more that 10 different places , then for that username in 200 OK 
> reply opensips always send latest 10 contacts not all .
> We have done some code changes in 1.11 for this feature . Now in 2.4 
> this is not there in the code . So off course I have to change the 
> code . Before that , I wanted to know , If there is any other way I 
> can achieve this  without any code changes . Merging 1.11 code with 
> 2.4 is quite difficult for me . There is huge difference in code level  .
> Please do help , if anything possible .
> */Thanks & Regards/*
> /Sasmita Panda/
> /Senior Network Testing and Software Engineer/
> /3CLogic , ph:07827611765/
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