[OpenSIPS-Users] 2.4 full-sharing-cachedb-cluster

Alexey Kazantsev kurgan-rus at inbox.ru
Thu Dec 12 00:09:44 EST 2019

Hi list.
I have a 2.4 full-sharing-cluster and trying to
make it as redundant as possible.
So I configured 
   modparam("usrloc", "working_mode_preset", "full-sharing-cachedb-cluster")
and separate MongoDB to each OpenSIPS node:
  # node 1
  modparam("usrloc", "cachedb_url", "mongodb://")
  # node 2
  modparam("usrloc", "cachedb_url", "mongodb://")
And as I see, this is not the right way, because ‘opensipsctl fifo ul_dump’ shows nothing
in such architecture, though the REGISTER messages are handled correctly.
Everything is OK with ‘opensipsctl fifo ul_dump’ when I use the same MongoDB
for both OpenSIPS nodes.
So the question is: should we use the same MongoDB in "full-sharing-cachedb-cluster" ?
Or it’s possible to use geographically distributed ones?
BR, Alexey
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