[OpenSIPS-Users] Call traffic loads and shared memory limits

Callum Guy callum.guy at x-on.co.uk
Wed Jan 24 11:26:53 EST 2018

Hi John,

Thought I would just come back to you with a quick thought on this one,
have you checked the runtime settings?

The flag -m allows you to allocate shared memory in MB. As shown below the
server in question has allocated 384MB of memory which is shared between
all processes, not a per process allocation.

# ps -ef|grep “opensips.pid”

root  /sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips.pid -f /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg -M
10 -m 384


Not sure if that helps at all but worth mentioning in case it has been



On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 4:21 PM John Quick <john.quick at smartvox.co.uk>

> Hi,
> I have a user running v1.9.0 with quite high numbers of concurrent calls
> (peaking at over 1500) and high call rate attempts (averaging about 100 per
> second for long periods).
> The amount of traffic is gradually increasing and, as it does, we are
> starting to see problems with "not enough shared memory".
> We just started using Nagios to graph some of the metrics. Shared memory
> usage is well behaved most of the time, but it seems almost as if there is
> some threshold and when the call rate goes above this threshold, the used
> shared memory rapidly increases.
> One simple solution might be to add more memory. If we increased from 8GB
> to
> 16GB, would OpenSIPS be able to use a large part of this? Is there a limit
> for shared memory allocated when the program starts?
> Would there be a major benefit in upgrading the opensips software to, say,
> v2.3?
> Would you expect to be hitting problems with shared memory at these traffic
> loadings or might there perhaps be something on this server that makes it
> more susceptible? For example, it is using topology hiding. It also has
> background jobs running that send a lot of queries to the management
> interface.
> Thanks.
> John Quick
> Smartvox Limited
> Web: www.smartvox.co.uk
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Callum Guy
Head of Information Security


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