[OpenSIPS-Users] Dialog module - profile replication not working

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Fri May 12 09:20:54 EDT 2017

For your setup, profile replication between the two boxes should 
suffice, with the following usage by and large:

* modparam("dialog", "profiles_with_value", "concurrent/b")

* set_dlg_profile("concurrent/b");

* opensipsctl fifo profile_get_values concurrent/b

It should work without problems on 2.2 as well. Please let me know if 
you run into any sort of issues.


Liviu Chircu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 12.05.2017 12:01, John Quick wrote:
> Hello Liviu,
> Thanks for responding to my query.
> The setup we have is active-active.  The cluster size is 2.
> The requirement is to be able to count, and limit, the total number of calls made by each user account.
> So if a particular user is allowed to make a total of 15 concurrent calls, this limit needs to be enforced as soon as the total number of calls through *both* servers exceeds 15.
> I have no need to replicate dialogs and can most certainly omit the modparam lines that initiate dialog replication.
> However, I now wonder if my method of testing is valid?
> I was thinking that "opensipsctl fifo profile_get_values concurrent" would show me values for both servers as soon as a call was established on either server.
> We might be able to upgrade to v2.3 if it is essential, but we had standardised deployment and server builds using debian packages from the repository "deb http://apt.opensips.org jessie 2.2-releases". Version 2.2 was the most up-to-date stable release when we started this project and it is still a supported version. I can see that a complex backport is not desireable for the developers but please can you help us to at least work around the known issues if possible.
> Regards
> John Quick
> Smartvox Limited
>> Hi, John!
>> First of all, this is a known issue [1] with the 2.2 clusterer, where
>> you cannot use both replication mechanisms of dialog concurrently. This
>> has been fixed in 2.3 and above, and required a significant code
>> refactoring, which is unlikely to get backported soon.
>> Secondly, what you are trying to do is unlikely to solve your problem
>> even with 2.3+, as the dialog replication mechanism __already__
>> broadcasts the profiles of each box throughout its cluster.
>> Consequently, reusing the same cluster id to share the profiles between
>> boxes (yet again) will effectively double the value of each profile. If
>> I correctly understand your intention, simply enabling dialog
>> replication (profile included) will solve your problem. Please correct
>> me if I'm wrong.
>> The documentation could use some improvements in order to reflect the
>> following (I will take care of this):
>>      * dialog replication allows you to have "hot backups". Profiles are
>>   included. Recommended cluster size: 2
>>      * profile replication is meant to be used in
>>   active-active-...-active setups, in order to easily achieve whatever
>> platform-wide limitations you may think of. The OpenSIPS cluster size
>> can grow indefinitely here.
>> Some food for thought: currently in OpenSIPS 2.3+, although merging the
>> above two concepts will work, the profiles are likely to be counted more
>> than once, and your limits will hit faster. The clusterer needs more
>> love in order to support "profile sharing between highly available
>> clusters".
>> Best regards,
>> [1]: https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/issues/938
>> Liviu Chircu
>> OpenSIPS Developer
>> http://www.opensips-solutions.com

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