[OpenSIPS-Users] Need help for solving webRTC issue in chrome version 63 .

Sasmita Panda spanda at 3clogic.com
Fri Dec 8 00:33:57 EST 2017

In WebRTC M63, Applying a session description with both “a=fingerprint”
(for DTLS) and “a=crypto” (for SDES) will now fail; the offerer must decide
on one or the other .

While updating SDP , opensips is sending both . I am using below option for
updating SDP .

$var(rtpengine_flags) = "UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF rtcp-mux-offer ICE=force

What should I do so that either crypto or fingerprint will go in SDP .

*Thanks & Regards*
*Sasmita Panda*
*Network Testing and Software Engineer*
*3CLogic , ph:07827611765*

On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Sasmita Panda <spanda at 3clogic.com> wrote:

> Hi All ,
>      I am using opensips-2.2 with wss and rtpengine module . 1 end point
> is pjsip and other is webRTC and opensips is acting as a proxy in-between
> to handle media and acting as a gateway for webRTC and SIP .
>       Everything working fine when I am using Chrome version 62 , but when
> I upgrade to 63 its giving some error like
>   *" OperationError: Failed to set local sdp: Session error code:
> ERROR_CONTENT. Session error description: Cryptos must be empty when DTLS
> is active. "*
>           Can anybody suggest me how to remove this crypto from INVITE
> message so that Chrome will accept it .  I think I need to change something
> in opensips side but not getting any appropriate method .
>       Please help , I am blocked in production environment .
> *Thanks & Regards*
> *Sasmita Panda*
> *Network Testing and Software Engineer*
> *3CLogic , ph:07827611765*
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