[OpenSIPS-Users] Dispatcher algorithm question

Gunjan Korlekar gunjan at switch.co
Wed Mar 2 05:25:45 CET 2016

Hi Olle,

Thanks for your reply. I will review my script for the re transmission of
invites issue.

But in the meanwhile can someone answer my question regarding the 'hash
over call-id' algorithm?


> On 29 Feb 2016, at 18:58, Gunjan Korlekar <gunjan at switch.co> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a dispatcher table with about 10 destinations and was using the
round-robin algorithm to route to destinations since we wanted to have an
even spread of traffic across the destinations. However I recently observed
that with the round-robin, re-INVITEs with the same call id get routed to
different destinations which we thought the dispatcher would handle. So we
figured that if we want to circumvent this problem we need to use the hash
over call-id algorithm.
> Does the 'hash over call-id' give a fair way of distributing the calls
over different destinations in the dispatcher like the round robin so that
the traffic is spread evenly over the destinations?
> Is there a way we can combine the two algorithms for one set of

Re-invites are in-dialog and should not be handled with dispatcher
normally. Dispatcher is used to dialog-forming requests only. I would like
to suggest you review your script.


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