[OpenSIPS-Users] I have a Patch that fixes memory leak on OpenSIPS. How to apply this path via github?

Rodrigo Pimenta Carvalho pimenta at inatel.br
Mon Jun 27 20:05:32 CEST 2016

Dear OpenSIPS users,

Daniel Fússia, from Inatel Competence Center (www.inatel.br<http://www.inatel.br>) has discovered some issues related to the code in OpenSIPS 2.2 that handles some transactions in SQLite. He also has proposed the solution for such issues and his work is attached on this message.

How could I resquet to the OpenSIPS development team to apply this fix? That is, can someone here give me the instructions on how to use github and request that fix? I? very new on github.

Any hint will be very helpful!

Thanks alot!

Inatel Competence Center
Ph: +55 35 3471 9200 RAMAL 979


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