[OpenSIPS-Users] db_extra_bye values after loose_route

Pat Burke pat at voxtelesys.com
Tue Aug 30 22:40:42 CEST 2016


I am trying to handle a case where the same call can be routed through the system (inbound call that is transferred to another phone number).  I am trying to add values to the cdr record in the db_extra_bye values.  Everything works if I populate the values prior to calling loose_route.  But that doesn't work for me because am trying to use a dialog variable ($dlg_val(xxx)) to store/retrieve information in cache to calculate the duration of the call - in order to get the dialog values I have to call loose_route.  The issue comes in because I the call can go through the system multiple times (up to twice) so I can't use the call id ($ci) to identify the call (both instances of the call have the same call id).

Any suggestions?

Pat Burke

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