[OpenSIPS-Users] URGENT - Check auth before INVITE

Satish Patel satish.txt at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 18:08:09 CET 2015

I am using opensips 1.11 but i have seen wired issue, How i can check auth
before process INVITE packet?

I have following code, I have seen if i send only INVITE packet using SIPP
it is processing that call, I want it check AUTH before processing INVITE
packet how can we do that?

        if (is_method("INVITE")) {
        if  ( uri=~"^sip:[1-9][0-9]{10,15}@.*") {
                xlog("call with X-customer: $Au  ===> Freeswitch\n");
                append_hf("X-customer: $Au\r\n");
                append_hf("X-SRIPP: $si:$sp\r\n");
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