[OpenSIPS-Users] Error "ERROR:core:get_out_socket: no socket found"

Răzvan Crainea razvan at opensips.org
Thu Sep 12 11:36:18 CEST 2013

Hi, Vladimir!

It seems like the Operating System is choosing an outbound socket that 
is not bound by OpenSIPS. Are there any other interfaces that machine 
has and you are not specifying them as listeners?

Best regards,

Răzvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Core Developer

On 09/10/2013 03:07 PM, Vladimir Vakulov wrote:
> Good afternoon.
> If you try to make a call
> Asterisk 1 -> Opensips -> Asterisk 2 .
> But Opensips returns the error "ERROR: core: get_out_socket: no socket found", and it is not clear why it appears .
> Can you please tell me which way to look.
> In the lab, I use the following scheme :
> Asterisk ( - ( Opensips ( - ( Asterisk
> [root @ Tel-Support8 opensips-1.9.1-tls] # ip route
> dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src
> ​​dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
> dev eth0 scope link metric 1002
> dev eth1 scope link metric 1003
> default via dev eth0
> [root at Tel-Support8 opensips-1.9.1-tls]# netstat -nlp | grep 5060
> udp        0      0      *                       32522/opensips
> udp        0      0*                       32522/opensips
> udp        0      0*                       32522/opensips
> opensips.cfg
> debug = 8
> memlog = 1
> fork = yes
> children = 4
> log_stderror = no
> log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
> disable_dns_blacklist = yes
> mhomed = 1
> auto_aliases = no
> check_via = yes
> dns = off
> rev_dns = off
> listen = udp:
> listen = udp:
> listen = udp:
> ---- Part of route script
> if (dst_ip == "")
>          {
>                  xlog ("Incoming Call \ n");
>                  if (! mf_process_maxfwd_header (" 10") )
>                  {
>                          sl_send_reply (" 483 ", "looping");
>                          exit;
>                  }
>                  if (! has_totag ())
>                  {
>                          # Initial request
>                          record_route ();
>                  }
>                  else
>                  {
>                          # Sequential request -> obey Route indication
>                          if (is_method ("BYE"))
>                          {
>                                  xlog ("Its BYE message \ n");
>                                  # If we want to use RTPProxy
>                                  set_rtp_proxy_set (" 1");
>                                  unforce_rtp_proxy ();
>                          }
>                          loose_route ();
>                          t_relay ();
>                          exit;
>                  }
>                  # Handle cancel and re-transmissions
>                  if (is_method ("CANCEL"))
>                  {
>                          if (t_check_trans ())
>                          {
>                                  t_relay ();
>                          }
>                          exit;
>                  }
>                  # From now on we have only the initial requests
>                  if (! is_method ("INVITE"))
>                  {
>                          send_reply (" 405 ", "Method Not Allowed");
>                          exit;
>                  }
>                  if ($ tU! = " 4000 " && $ tU! = " 6000 " && $ tU! = " 7000 " && $ tU! = " 8000 " )
>                  {
>                          load_balance (" 1 ", "incoming");
>                          if ($ retcode < 0)
>                          {
>          # Load_balance (" 5 ", "incoming");
>          # Xlog ("Going to Busy message - Internal");
>                                  sl_send_reply (" 600 ", "Busy Everywhere");
>                                  xlog ("!! 500 !!, Service Full");
>                                  exit;
>                          }
>                  }
>                  else
>                  {
>                          $ du = "sip:";
>                  }
>                  # If we want to use RTPProxy
>                  set_rtp_proxy_set (" 1");
>                  rtpproxy_offer ("rie");
>                  t_on_reply (" 1");
>                  xlog ("Selected destination is: $ du \ n");
>                  # Send it out
>                  if (! t_relay ())
>                  {
>                          sl_reply_error ();
>                  }
>                  exit;
>          }
> Sep 10 16:46:47 Tel-Support8 / sbin / opensips [ 32526 ]: ERROR: core: get_out_socket: no socket found
> Sep 10 16:46:47 Tel-Support8 / sbin / opensips [ 32526 ]: ERROR: tm: update_uac_dst: failed to fwd to af 2 , proto 1 (no corresponding listening socket)
> Sep 10 16:46:47 Tel-Support8 / sbin / opensips [ 32526 ]: ERROR: tm: t_forward_nonack: failure to add branches
> Sep 10 16:46:47 Tel-Support8 / sbin / opensips [ 32526 ]: DBG: tm: t_relay_to: t_forward_nonack returned error
> If you need more information plz tell me.
> Regards, Vladimir.
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