[OpenSIPS-Users] CDRTool Question

Brian ipt voiplists at iptel.co
Fri Apr 6 09:48:18 CEST 2012

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Brian ipt <voiplists at iptel.co> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have worked with version 6.7.1 for a long time.
> Just setting up version 8.2.5
> I can't seem to get it to rate by domain with this version.
> With all the exact same radius fields populated my domain field is
> always blank when I check SIP SIGNALLLING.
> In the older version the domain field using the same datasource has
> the correct domain name.
> Where is CDRTool 8.2.5 looking for the domain from?
> AcctSessionId, UserName, CalledStationId and CallingStationID all are
> in the format number at my.correct.domain but CDRTool will not rate if I
> just put my.correct.domain in the customer table.
> I can't see where I am going wrong here and I've been looking at this
> for quite some time now.
> Any help much appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Brian

Hi AG People,

This seems to be a bug (or maybe design..?).

My SIP domain is currently sip.domain.cc and when I add this to
billing_customer table and try to match against it CDRTool always

Apr  6 08:33:49 sip cdrtool[3109]: Error: no customer found in
billing_customers table for billing party=1234 at sip.domain.cc, domain=,
Apr  6 08:33:49 sip cdrtool[3109]: Error: Cannot find any profiles for
call_id=1b6fcaf262cfda381505a19226e1a9c2 at sip.domain.cc, dest_id=123)

If I change the domain that I am sending the call to OpenSIPS to
domain.cc and amend in billing_customer

Apr  6 08:40:49 sip cdrtool[3109]: Increment=1 ConnectFee=0.0000
CallId=1b6fcaf262cfda381505a19226e1a9c2 at domain.cc Span=1 Duration=1
DestId=123 domain=domain.cc Profile=100 Period=weekday Rate=1001
Interval=8-18 Cost=.10/60 Price=.1 PriceIn=.1

So it will work with domain.cc but not subdomain.domain.cc

I've looked in library/rating.php but I'm not sure where I need to
change the code to work. Any help appreciated.


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