[OpenSIPS-Users] Cannot store Accounting Record into mysql Using Opensips 1.6.4 + CDRTool + Freeradius + mysql

Simon Shum simonshum at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 07:54:44 CET 2011


Finally, I am able to write accounting records into mysql database. I
found the problem I have is because I am installing freeradius and
freeradius-mysql packages. I removed them and then install freeradius-xs
and freeradius-xs-mysql, the problem goes away.

But in the process of install freeradius-xs and freeradius-xs-mysql, it
is a bit tricky. The installed packages does not provide all the
necessary config files under /etc/freeradius directory. I have to copy
some of the required config file back from the last freeradius
And another tricky thing I found is that the proxy.conf provided by
freeradius-xs is having some problem, causing the freeradius server
write indefinately into the mysql database. I have to copy the
proxy.conf from previous freeradius installation to fix this problem.

Thanks for Tijmen de Mes and Dani give me hint on solving this problem.


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