[OpenSIPS-Users] when engage_media_proxy() doesn't

Jeff Pyle jpyle at fidelityvoice.com
Wed Mar 23 15:28:38 CET 2011

Ok, Dan.  Great info.  All Opensips and Mediaproxy packages were installed
from their respective apt repositories.  The opportunity for code
modification is minimal.  Regardless I'll run it through some test
scenarios to see if I can make it fail along the lines of how you would
expect it to.

- Jeff

On 3/23/11 9:09 AM, "Dan Pascu" <dan at ag-projects.com> wrote:

>On 17 Mar 2011, at 18:17, Jeff Pyle wrote:
>> Dan, I understand what you're saying.  engage_media_proxy() needs to
>> create the dialog so it can get its bit in to facilitate the media
>> relaying.
>> In my case, on my functional machine, the routing logic is like this:
>>        if (is_method("INVITE")) {
>>                send_reply("100", "Trying");
>>                record_route();
>>                setflag(21);    # non-missed calls
>>                setflag(22);    # missed calls
>>                create_dialog();
>>                if (isflagset(24)) set_dlg_flag("24");
>>                if (isflagset(6)) {
>>                        engage_media_proxy();
>>                }
>>                route(1);
>>        }
>> As you can see it has a create_dialog() before the engage_media_proxy().
>> And it seems to work okay.  Any thoughts on why that might be?
>I don't know why this works. I can only assume it's either the dialog
>gets crated later, not when you call create_dialog(), or that someone
>modified the code in the late versions to allow late comers to a dialog
>(like engage_media_proxy) to be able to register their callbacks even
>when the dialog was already started.
>But then again, I can't tell why it works on a system but not another.
>> Regarding the manual functions, does one need to use end_media_session()
>> in loose_route to handle a reinvite scenario like T.38?  Or is the old
>> media session some how automatically torn down in this case?
>No, it's not automatically ended and you do not need to manually end it
>either. For each SDP offer/answer you need to call use_media_proxy() to
>update the list of streams.
>>  Does one
>> need to end_media_session() in onreply_route in the case of CANCEL/BYE?
>No. You only need to call end_media_session() on CANCEL and BYE, not
>their replies.
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