[OpenSIPS-Users] when engage_media_proxy() doesn't

Dan Pascu dan at ag-projects.com
Wed Mar 23 14:09:58 CET 2011

On 17 Mar 2011, at 18:17, Jeff Pyle wrote:

> Dan, I understand what you're saying.  engage_media_proxy() needs to
> create the dialog so it can get its bit in to facilitate the media
> relaying.
> In my case, on my functional machine, the routing logic is like this:
>        if (is_method("INVITE")) {
>                send_reply("100", "Trying");
>                record_route();
>                setflag(21);    # non-missed calls
>                setflag(22);    # missed calls
>                create_dialog();
>                if (isflagset(24)) set_dlg_flag("24");
>                if (isflagset(6)) {
>                        engage_media_proxy();
>                }
>                route(1);
>        }
> As you can see it has a create_dialog() before the engage_media_proxy().
> And it seems to work okay.  Any thoughts on why that might be?

I don't know why this works. I can only assume it's either the dialog gets crated later, not when you call create_dialog(), or that someone modified the code in the late versions to allow late comers to a dialog (like engage_media_proxy) to be able to register their callbacks even when the dialog was already started.
But then again, I can't tell why it works on a system but not another.

> Regarding the manual functions, does one need to use end_media_session()
> in loose_route to handle a reinvite scenario like T.38?  Or is the old
> media session some how automatically torn down in this case?

No, it's not automatically ended and you do not need to manually end it either. For each SDP offer/answer you need to call use_media_proxy() to update the list of streams.

>  Does one
> need to end_media_session() in onreply_route in the case of CANCEL/BYE?

No. You only need to call end_media_session() on CANCEL and BYE, not their replies.


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