[OpenSIPS-Users] Dialog Ping

Brett Nemeroff brett at nemeroff.com
Sat Jun 18 00:20:20 CEST 2011

I just tested this today. Basically made a call with eyebeam, and once the
call was up, I forcefully killed eyebeam. After that, I saw OPTIONS goto
eyebeam and fail (retransmit). There was a dispatcher between the opensips
box and eyebeam, so the dispatcher told opensips 408. At that point,
opensips made no attempt at killing the dialog. In fact, it just kept on
pinging it every X interval.

I'm calling create_dialog("pPB")

Am I doing something wrong?


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Vlad Paiu <vladpaiu at opensips.org> wrote:

> **
> Hello Brett,
> Yes, the OPTIONs messages are dialog specific. They contain the proper to
> tag, from tag and callid, as well as the appropriate CSEQ header, etc.
> If one end-point isn't alive anymore, or if it responds with a messages
> telling that the end point is not aware of the dialog the message belongs to
> ( 481 Call/Transaction does not exist - like, for example, the UA quickly
> reboots, it is alive, but the dialog is not active from it's point of view
> ), the dialog will be killed from the middle.
> Regards,
> --
> Vlad Paiu
> OpenSIPS Developer
> On 06/16/2011 11:50 PM, Brett Nemeroff wrote:
> Hello All,
> I had a question regarding the new "dialog ping" feature. Does this just
> check if the endpoints involved in a dialog are alive? Or is there anything
> dialog specific in the OPTIONs message?
> Thanks,
> Brett
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