[OpenSIPS-Users] Configuring OpenSIPS with Postgresql

Jerry Richards jerry.richards at teotech.com
Thu Dec 1 20:51:42 CET 2011


My opensips is not starting.   I noticed the /var/log/messages file indicates it needs a database.  I want to use postgresql instead of mysql, so I changed the DBENGINE parameter to PGSQL in the opensipsctlrc and osipsconsolerc.

Now, when I execute "./opensipsdbctl create", I get the following error:
ERROR: could not load the script in /opt/opensips/lib64/opensips/opensipsctl/opensipsdbctl.pgsql for database engine PGSQL
ERROR: database engine not loaded - tried 'PGSQL'

I noticed the opensipsdbctl.pgsql file does not exist at all.  I suspect there is a build step to specify postgresql?


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