[OpenSIPS-Users] XMPP Stream error in component mode with OpenFire

Anca Vamanu anca at opensips.org
Wed Jul 7 15:22:39 CEST 2010

Hi Alejandro,

I will try to shed some light now for you and then promise to put some 
more documentation on xmpp gateway.
About the parameters:
- xmpp_host: is the domain name or IP where the jabber server is running
- xmpp_domain: the domain with which OpenSIPS will register as a 
component to the jabber server - it must be a domain name recognized by 
OpenSIPS as its own ( I see that you have alias there so it's ok).
You need not define sip_domain parameter ( it is only for a special case 
when you offer XMPP and SIP services with the same domain name ).

I suggest you start your tests first with message - IM and then go to 
presence. The sip buddy in the XMPP account is alerios at sip.avatar.com.co 
<mailto:sip%3Aalerios at sip.avatar.com.co>, without SIP.
What will happen is that the jabber server will receive a message - and 
it will deduce that it is for the component sip.avatar.com.co 
<mailto:sip%3Aalerios at sip.avatar.com.co>, which is OpenSIPS and forward 
the message to it. To check that this message gets to OpenSIPS raise the 
debug level, debug=6 and check the log after sending the message. You 
should see some specific messages.

In the SIP client, don't forget to set an outbound proxy so that the 
messages for XMPP buddies get to the server.


Anca Vamanu

On 06/25/2010 03:04 AM, Alejandro Rios wrote:
> I deleted the param xmpp_domain, and the component registered itself.  
> But now I can't figure out how to debug pua_xmpp function.  I tried 
> seting contacts on the xmpp client in the form 
> "sip:alerios at sip.avatar.com.co 
> <mailto:sip%3Aalerios at sip.avatar.com.co>" and 
> "sip:alerios at sipx.avatar.com.co 
> <mailto:sip%3Aalerios at sipx.avatar.com.co>", but nothing happens :(
> It would be really nice to have a full working example including xmpp 
> and sip clients configuration for this sip-xmpp gateway module
> Thank you
> Alejandro Rios Peña
> 2010/6/24 Alejandro Rios <alejandro.rios at avatar.com.co 
> <mailto:alejandro.rios at avatar.com.co>>
>     Hi
>     I have both OpenFire and OpenSIPS running on the same machine, and
>     both with the domain sip.avatar.com.co <http://sip.avatar.com.co>.
>     Here's the config on my opensips.cfg:
>     alias=sip.avatar.com.co <http://sip.avatar.com.co>
>     # -- xmpp parameters --
>     modparam("xmpp", "sip_domain", "sipx.avatar.com.co
>     <http://sipx.avatar.com.co>")
>     modparam("xmpp", "xmpp_domain", "sip.avatar.com.co
>     <http://sip.avatar.com.co>")
>     modparam("xmpp", "xmpp_host", "")
>     modparam("xmpp", "xmpp_port", 5275)
>     modparam("xmpp", "xmpp_password", "opensips")
>     modparam("xmpp", "backend", "component")
>     ---------------------

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