[OpenSIPS-Users] INVITE not forwarded, call fails

lorenzo asymmetric at autistici.org
Fri Jan 22 23:28:53 CET 2010

On 22/01/10 18:55, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
> Hi Lorenzo,
> rport stuff applies to VIA port and it used only for sending back the 
> replies (to a request).
> Your problem is the the Contact URI (the bogus port) which has nothing 
> to do with rport.

perfect, thanks for clarifying this!

but if the problem is a wrong port in the Contact uri, can't $source_uri
fix the issue? (or fix_contact() maybe)
do they update/write to the user location database?

i've been experimenting with both, in the main route, but they don't
seem to work, i.e. the ul always shows the wrong contact port..

> Regards,
> Bogdan


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