[OpenSIPS-Users] need help on dialplan module

ha do haloha201 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 22 11:45:27 CET 2010

Hi all

could you please need me to understand the translation on dialplan module;
mysql> select * from dialplan;
| id | dpid | pr | match_op | match_exp | match_len | subst_exp  | repl_exp | attrs |
| 73 |   15 |  0 |        1 | ^000      |         0 | ^(0)(.+)   | \2       |       |
| 78 |   16 |  0 |        1 | 000       |         0 | (000)(.+)  | 8\2      |       |
| 76 |   14 |  0 |        1 | ^000      |         0 | ^(000)(.+) | 8\2      |       |
| 75 |   15 |  0 |        1 | ^55       |         0 | ^(55)(.+)  | \2       |       |

[root at localhost ~]# opensipsctl fifo dp_translate 14 00055980007
Output:: 855980007
[root at localhost ~]# opensipsctl fifo dp_translate 15 0007
Output:: 007
[root at localhost ~]# opensipsctl fifo dp_translate 15 55980007
Output:: 980007
[root at localhost ~]# opensipsctl fifo dp_translate 16 55980007
Output:: 87

repl_exp : sometimes has value \2 or \1 - what does it mean?? does it have other value?
what does the ^ mean??
is there more special character??

where do i find more docs for translation rule

Thank you

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