[OpenSIPS-Users] Setting opensips for maximum performance

Stanisław Pitucha viraptor at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 12:43:13 CET 2010

On 22.02.2010 10:16, Jan Rozhon wrote:
> So there is a problem with database as well. Does it mean, that even if 
> system utilization tools (SAR) shows, that only about 1200 MB is used, 
> opensips has run out of memory?

Opensips preallocates the memory, so system tools won't show you the
real amount of memory used. To check the status of opensips memory you
have to get it from the statistics / mi module. Load mi_fifo and run

opensipsctl fifo get_statistics 'shmem:'

Even if you're not really using all of it, fragmentation might kill the

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