[OpenSIPS-Users] number of opensips children

opensips at encambio.com opensips at encambio.com
Fri Dec 18 13:25:18 CET 2009

Hello Bogdan,

An ven., déc 18, 2009, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu schrieb:
>there are modules creating separate processes for handling
>additional events (like the mi_**** modules).
>To see what processes you have and what they are doing, do:
>opensipsctl fifo ps
You were right about that, what a surprise ;)

  # opensipsctl fifo ps
  Process::  ID=0 PID=24975 Type=attendant
  Process::  ID=1 PID=24977 Type=SIP receiver udp:
  Process::  ID=2 PID=24978 Type=time_keeper
  Process::  ID=3 PID=24979 Type=timer
  Process::  ID=4 PID=24980 Type=MI FIFO

That's what I see when turning TLS and TCP off and children=1. I'm
guessing that having five processes is the minimum possible when
using the mi_fifo module.

I don't know if the 'time_keeper' and 'timer' processes are needed
however, and how to remove them in the configuration if they are

I assume that the 'attendant' does no real work other than
coordinating the other processes, right?

My gut feeling is that having four UDP listening processes and four
TCP listening processes is about right for us, because we only have
a handful of UACs participating infrequently (5 calls per day.)


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