[OpenSIPS-Users] number of opensips children

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Tue Dec 15 09:06:46 CET 2009

Hi Jeff,

Jeff Pyle wrote:
> ...but I need to understand better what can block a process.
> Is it transaction-based?  That is, does a child correspond to a transaction
> until its completion?  I hope not, since that doesn't sound like it would
> scale very well.
> Is it message-based?  That is, does a child process a single message until
> it ships out with t_relay or similar?  In this case, how do things like
> siptrace or accounting impact a child's ability to process other messages?
It is message based - each process reads a message from network and does 
all its processing in order to send it out (not the resending -like 
retransmission or forking - id not tide to the same original proc).

What can block? Right now we have the DB/LDAP/RADIUS ops, DNS queries, 
logging stuff, EXEC module, etc


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

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