[OpenSIPS-Users] opensips-cp CDR correlation

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Thu Apr 30 16:59:11 CEST 2009

2009/4/30 Adrian Georgescu <ag at ag-projects.com>:
> > No, a proxy is fully vulnerable to a spoofed BYE, why? because the
> > proxy MUST route the BYE according to RURI, Route headers..., while a
> > B2BUA doesn't route it, just "eats" it and generate a new one in leg
> As far as I know with OpenSIPS you could chose, through configuration, to
> not relaying the BYEs all together and generate the BYE in turn yourself
> based on existing dialog info. Would this solve this scenario?

Doing this, you are forcing OpenSIPs to act as a UAS instead of a proxy.
You can do some stuff to check the BYE but this operation would be,
obviously, better performed by a *real* UAS (instead of doing
hyper-exotic stuf in OpenSIPS).
For example: how do you check if CSeq is correct? Yes, dialog module
stores the CSeq but it doesn't check it when forwarding an in-dialog
request, and also note that OpenSIPS dialog modules is not capable of
handling various early-dialogs. Imagine a parallel forking and just
one branch using PRACK. Then one early-dialog will have a CSeq bigger
than the other early-dialog).

Best regards.

Iñaki Baz Castillo
<ibc at aliax.net>

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