[OpenSIPS-Devel] [OpenSIPS/opensips] 25d37b: dialog: fix a replicated profiles counting issue

Vlad Pătrașcu noreply at github.com
Wed Mar 25 19:44:45 EST 2020

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips
  Commit: 25d37b6921aed54abdbade11ca8719eb55888809
  Author: Vlad Patrascu <vladp at opensips.org>
  Date:   2020-03-25 (Wed, 25 Mar 2020)

  Changed paths:
    M modules/dialog/dlg_replication.c

  Log Message:
  dialog: fix a replicated profiles counting issue

The incorrect profile counting was caused by a race between the processing of
the replicated dialog create/update packets. While processing the create
packet, the lock was released before linking the dialog into a profile and
setting the sharing tag. As such, the process that handled the update packet
could insert the dialog into a profile itself, but with an improper sharing tag.

Thanks to 46Labs for reporting and help with troubleshooting this!

(cherry picked from commit 7e623b302191b6a34087b1527ef5383914ed1663)

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