[OpenSIPS-Devel] [opensips] Documentation updates (#440)

Rob Gagnon notifications at github.com
Tue Mar 24 17:14:40 CET 2015

Reasons for the changes that you've marked as "bad":

Modern HTML should adjust to a user's monitor.  Some people are using tablets, some a phone, others still have tiny monitors, while I for example have one that is 22".  Hence the restriction on the width of the page was changed from a fixed 1200px to a percentage of the screen width.

The color choices were selected to match the main opensips.org website.  Those can be changed back if you guys want the page to look different from that.

The module headers are using the same gradient colors as that of the home page/menu area from opensips.org.

As for the code-block border sizes.  Probably the left and right could be narrowed out.  I just used 10, 15, or 20px as a simple number to get the look started.


**10px  x 15px borders:**

**15px x 20px borders (as proposed)**

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