[OpenSIPS-Devel] General Protection errors

Ryan Bullock rrb3942 at gmail.com
Thu May 2 22:32:32 CEST 2013

I've been seeing some general protection errors in opensips lately
(currently running 1.9 svnrevision: 2:9970M). I've been working on getting
some core dumps and backtraces for these, but they happen very
intermittently and it can take weeks to see one.

These happen across a couple systems, so I was pretty sure there was a
problem in opensips somewhere. Normally I see these errors reported in the
dialog module. However this most recent one I was able to get a core dump
for seems to show the error happening in fm_free() at a goto statement,
which seems odd to me. I have attached a full bt and I have the core dump
available if more information is needed from it.

Right now I am trying to figure out if the problem is in opensips, or if I
have some really subtle hardware errors going on across a few boxes.

Was hoping someone could take a look at the backtrace and give some input.

Thank you.


Ryan Bullock
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