[OpenSIPS-Devel] Cachedb_Couchbase questions

Ryan Bullock rrb3942 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 23:54:22 CEST 2013

Hey all,

I am doing some work with opensips + couchbase and have started on a
patchset for the opensips couchbase driver to clean up a few things (better
error outputs, etc) and make some changes that we require before going

One thing I am noticing are calls to lcb_get_last_error() after every
operation, even though the error on the callback is being stored in
last_error. In my quick testing the response from lcb_get_last_error()
seems to always be success even if the operation failed (such as due to a
connection failure), last_error shows the correct failure.

I am wondering if the checks to lcb_get_last_error could be removed? Or are
their instances where it would show an error not caught by last_error? I
don't see many uses of lcb_get_last_error in the libcouchbase examples and
they seem to all go off the error in the callback. The benefit I see is
being able to more easily report useful and relevant errors.

Input welcome.


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