[OpenSIPS-Devel] Idea: Presence composer module

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Fri Aug 21 00:43:49 CEST 2009

Hi, I'm thinking that perhaps a feature/module called "presence composer" 
could be useful for SIP environments with rich presence usage.


- A user publishes a presentity <person> section using XCAP for static data 
(display name, photo icon...). In this way, if I susbscribe to the presentity 
of this AoR, I could also receive those data (as in MSN network).
- But what about if the device also publishes a presentity <person> section 
(with also a <tuple> section) using normal SIP PUBLISH? In that case OpenSIPS 
presence agent would append it to the presentity published via XCAP. Most 
probably, the watcher would discard one of these <person> sections and loose 
useful info about display name, icon and so on.
- It would be useful if a new "presence composer" module could mix both 
<person> sections giving priority to the section published via SIP PUBLISH but 
keeping the data of the XCAP presentity not present in the SIP PUBLISH. This 
is: if the <person> section in the PUBLISH contains just display-name info 
then this would replace the display name in the XCAP presentity, but the icon 
of the XCAP presentity would be present in the composed <person> section.

This is just an example, I could imagine more cases in with such feature would 
be useful. Also, the concept of "presence watcher" exists in presence related 
RFC's (but of course is not defined at all).

What do you think?


Iñaki Baz Castillo <ibc at aliax.net>

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