/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 OpenSIPS Solutions * * This file is part of opensips, a free SIP server. * * opensips is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version * * opensips is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * History: * ------- * 2013-02-28: Created (Liviu) */ #include #include #include #include "../../async.h" #include "../../sr_module.h" #include "../../dprint.h" #include "../../mem/mem.h" #include "../../mem/shm_mem.h" #include "../../mod_fix.h" #include "rest_methods.h" /* * Module parameters */ long connection_timeout = 20; long connection_timeout_ms; long curl_timeout = 20; char *ssl_capath; /* libcurl enables these by default */ int ssl_verifypeer = 1; int ssl_verifyhost = 1; /* * Module initialization and cleanup */ static int mod_init(void); static int child_init(int rank); static void mod_destroy(void); /* * Fixup functions */ static int fixup_rest_get(void **param, int param_no); static int fixup_rest_post(void **param, int param_no); static int fixup_rest_put(void **param, int param_no); /* * Function headers */ static int w_rest_get(struct sip_msg *msg, char *gp_url, char *body_pv, char *ctype_pv, char *code_pv); static int w_rest_post(struct sip_msg *msg, char *gp_url, char *gp_body, char *gp_ctype, char *body_pv, char *ctype_pv, char *code_pv); static int w_rest_put(struct sip_msg *msg, char *gp_url, char *gp_body, char *gp_ctype, char *body_pv, char *ctype_pv, char *code_pv); static int w_async_rest_get(struct sip_msg *msg, async_resume_module **resume_f, void **resume_param, char *gp_url, char *body_pv, char *ctype_pv, char *code_pv); static int w_async_rest_post(struct sip_msg *msg, async_resume_module **resume_f, void **resume_param, char *gp_url, char *gp_body, char *gp_ctype, char *body_pv, char *ctype_pv, char *code_pv); static int w_async_rest_put(struct sip_msg *msg, async_resume_module **resume_f, void **resume_param, char *gp_url, char *gp_body, char *gp_ctype, char *body_pv, char *ctype_pv, char *code_pv); static acmd_export_t acmds[] = { { "rest_get", (acmd_function)w_async_rest_get, 2, fixup_rest_get }, { "rest_get", (acmd_function)w_async_rest_get, 3, fixup_rest_get }, { "rest_get", (acmd_function)w_async_rest_get, 4, fixup_rest_get }, { "rest_post", (acmd_function)w_async_rest_post, 4, fixup_rest_post }, { "rest_post", (acmd_function)w_async_rest_post, 5, fixup_rest_post }, { "rest_post", (acmd_function)w_async_rest_post, 6, fixup_rest_post }, { "rest_put", (acmd_function)w_async_rest_put, 4, fixup_rest_put }, { "rest_put", (acmd_function)w_async_rest_put, 5, fixup_rest_put }, { "rest_put", (acmd_function)w_async_rest_put, 6, fixup_rest_put }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* * Exported functions */ static cmd_export_t cmds[] = { { "rest_get",(cmd_function)w_rest_get, 2, fixup_rest_get, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|BRANCH_ROUTE| ONREPLY_ROUTE|STARTUP_ROUTE|TIMER_ROUTE }, { "rest_get",(cmd_function)w_rest_get, 3, fixup_rest_get, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|ONREPLY_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|BRANCH_ROUTE| ONREPLY_ROUTE|STARTUP_ROUTE|TIMER_ROUTE }, { "rest_get",(cmd_function)w_rest_get, 4, fixup_rest_get, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|ONREPLY_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|BRANCH_ROUTE| ONREPLY_ROUTE|STARTUP_ROUTE|TIMER_ROUTE }, { "rest_post",(cmd_function)w_rest_post, 4, fixup_rest_post, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|ONREPLY_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|BRANCH_ROUTE| ONREPLY_ROUTE|STARTUP_ROUTE|TIMER_ROUTE }, { "rest_post",(cmd_function)w_rest_post, 5, fixup_rest_post, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|ONREPLY_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|BRANCH_ROUTE| ONREPLY_ROUTE|STARTUP_ROUTE|TIMER_ROUTE }, { "rest_post",(cmd_function)w_rest_post, 6, fixup_rest_post, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|ONREPLY_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|BRANCH_ROUTE| ONREPLY_ROUTE|STARTUP_ROUTE|TIMER_ROUTE }, { "rest_put",(cmd_function)w_rest_put, 4, fixup_rest_put, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|ONREPLY_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|BRANCH_ROUTE| ONREPLY_ROUTE|STARTUP_ROUTE|TIMER_ROUTE }, { "rest_put",(cmd_function)w_rest_put, 5, fixup_rest_put, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|ONREPLY_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|BRANCH_ROUTE| ONREPLY_ROUTE|STARTUP_ROUTE|TIMER_ROUTE }, { "rest_put",(cmd_function)w_rest_put, 6, fixup_rest_put, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE|ONREPLY_ROUTE|FAILURE_ROUTE|BRANCH_ROUTE| ONREPLY_ROUTE|STARTUP_ROUTE|TIMER_ROUTE }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* * Exported parameters */ static param_export_t params[] = { { "connection_timeout", INT_PARAM, &connection_timeout }, { "curl_timeout", INT_PARAM, &curl_timeout }, { "ssl_capath", STR_PARAM, &ssl_capath }, { "ssl_verifypeer", INT_PARAM, &ssl_verifypeer }, { "ssl_verifyhost", INT_PARAM, &ssl_verifyhost }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; /* * Module parameter variables */ struct module_exports exports = { "rest_client", MOD_TYPE_DEFAULT,/* class of this module */ MODULE_VERSION, /* module version */ DEFAULT_DLFLAGS, /* dlopen flags */ NULL, /* OpenSIPS module dependencies */ cmds, /* Exported functions */ acmds, /* Exported async functions */ params, /* Exported parameters */ NULL, /* exported statistics */ NULL, /* exported MI functions */ NULL, /* exported pseudo-variables */ NULL, /* extra processes */ mod_init, /* module initialization function */ NULL, /* response function*/ mod_destroy, child_init,/* per-child init function */ }; static void *osips_malloc(size_t size) { void *p = pkg_malloc(size); return p; } static void *osips_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) { void *p = pkg_malloc(nmemb * size); if (p) memset(p, '\0', nmemb * size); return p; } static void *osips_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) { void *p = pkg_realloc(ptr, size); return p; } static char *osips_strdup(const char *cp) { char *rval; int len; len = strlen(cp) + 1; rval = pkg_malloc(len); if (!rval) return NULL; memcpy(rval, cp, len); return rval; } static void osips_free(void *ptr) { if (ptr) pkg_free(ptr); } static int mod_init(void) { LM_DBG("Initializing...\n"); connection_timeout_ms = connection_timeout * 1000L; curl_global_init_mem(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL, osips_malloc, osips_free, osips_realloc, osips_strdup, osips_calloc); multi_handle = curl_multi_init(); LM_INFO("Module initialized!\n"); return 0; } static int child_init(int rank) { if (rank <= PROC_MAIN) return 0; multi_handle = curl_multi_init(); if (!multi_handle) { LM_ERR("failed to init CURLM handle\n"); return -1; } return 0; } static void mod_destroy(void) { curl_global_cleanup(); } /**************************** Fixup functions *******************************/ static int fixup_rest_put(void **param, int param_no) { switch (param_no) { case 1: case 2: case 3: return fixup_spve(param); case 4: case 5: case 6: return fixup_pvar(param); default: LM_ERR("Too many parameters!\n"); return -1; } } /**************************** Module functions *******************************/ static int w_rest_put(struct sip_msg *msg, char *gp_url, char *gp_body, char *gp_ctype, char *body_pv, char *ctype_pv, char *code_pv) { str url, body, ctype = { NULL, 0 }; if (fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)gp_url, &url) != 0) { LM_ERR("Invalid HTTP URL pseudo variable!\n"); return -1; } if (fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)gp_body, &body) != 0) { LM_ERR("Invalid HTTP POST body pseudo variable!\n"); return -1; } if (gp_ctype && fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)gp_ctype, &ctype) != 0) { LM_ERR("Invalid HTTP POST content type pseudo variable!\n"); return -1; } return rest_put_method(msg, url.s, body.s, ctype.s, (pv_spec_p)body_pv, (pv_spec_p)ctype_pv, (pv_spec_p)code_pv); } static void set_output_pv_params(struct sip_msg *msg, str *body_in, pv_spec_p body_pv, str *ctype_in, pv_spec_p ctype_pv, CURL *handle, pv_spec_p code_pv) { pv_value_t val; long http_rc; CURLcode rc; val.flags = PV_VAL_STR; val.rs = *body_in; if (pv_set_value(msg, (pv_spec_p)body_pv, 0, &val) != 0) LM_ERR("failed to set output body pv\n"); if (ctype_pv) { val.rs = *ctype_in; if (pv_set_value(msg, (pv_spec_p)ctype_pv, 0, &val) != 0) LM_ERR("failed to set output ctype pv\n"); } if (code_pv) { rc = curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_rc); if (rc != CURLE_OK) LM_ERR("curl_easy_getinfo: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(rc)); LM_DBG("Last response code: %ld\n", http_rc); val.flags = PV_VAL_INT|PV_TYPE_INT; val.ri = (int)http_rc; if (pv_set_value(msg, (pv_spec_p)code_pv, 0, &val) != 0) LM_ERR("failed to set output code pv\n"); } } static int w_async_rest_put(struct sip_msg *msg, async_resume_module **resume_f, void **resume_param, char *gp_url, char *gp_body, char *gp_ctype, char *body_pv, char *ctype_pv, char *code_pv) { rest_async_param *param; str url, body, ctype = { NULL, 0 }; int read_fd; if (fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)gp_url, &url) != 0) { LM_ERR("Invalid HTTP URL pseudo variable!\n"); return -1; } if (fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)gp_body, &body) != 0) { LM_ERR("Invalid HTTP POST body pseudo variable!\n"); return -1; } if (gp_ctype && fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)gp_ctype, &ctype) != 0) { LM_ERR("Invalid HTTP POST content type pseudo variable!\n"); return -1; } LM_DBG("async rest put '%.*s' %p %p %p\n", url.len, url.s, body_pv, ctype_pv, code_pv); param = pkg_malloc(sizeof *param); if (!param) { LM_ERR("no more shm\n"); return -1; } memset(param, '\0', sizeof *param); read_fd = start_async_http_req(msg, REST_CLIENT_PUT, url.s, body.s, ctype.s, ¶m->handle, ¶m->body, ctype_pv ? ¶m->ctype : NULL); /* error occurred; no transfer done */ if (read_fd == ASYNC_NO_IO) { *resume_param = NULL; *resume_f = NULL; /* keep default async status of NO_IO */ return -1; /* no need for async - transfer already completed! */ } else if (read_fd == ASYNC_SYNC) { set_output_pv_params(msg, ¶m->body, (pv_spec_p)body_pv, ¶m->ctype, (pv_spec_p)ctype_pv, param->handle, (pv_spec_p)code_pv); pkg_free(param->body.s); if (ctype_pv && param->ctype.s) pkg_free(param->ctype.s); curl_easy_cleanup(param->handle); pkg_free(param); return ASYNC_SYNC; } *resume_f = resume_async_http_req; param->method = REST_CLIENT_PUT; param->body_pv = (pv_spec_p)body_pv; param->ctype_pv = (pv_spec_p)ctype_pv; param->code_pv = (pv_spec_p)code_pv; *resume_param = param; /* async started with success */ async_status = read_fd; return 1; }