<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>CDRTool driving me crazy... I have setup CDR with Call_control module and now problem is international number.. <br><br></div>My first question how do i configure CDRTool for global word.. I don't just want to use Europe E.164 or US E.164 numbers... I want each and every country number. <br>
<br></div>People saying configure cdr_generic.php file to set E164_class but why i set that class, I want world wide numbers, anybody can dial anywhere.. <br><br></div>I want to dial US number and i have configured destination_id = 1 and set same destination in rate table.. I can also test that using telnet to CDR port like following<br>
<br>ShowPrice From=<a href="mailto:sip%3A3003@sip.com">sip:3003@sip.com</a> To=<a href="mailto:sip%3A11646XXXXXX@sip.com">sip:11646XXXXXX@sip.com</a> Gateway= Duration=59<br>0.0500<br>Increment: 6 s<br>
Min duration: 6 s<br> Duration: 60 s<br> App: audio<br> Destination: 1<br> Customer: subscriber=<a href="mailto:3003@sip.com">3003@sip.com</a><br> Connect: 0.0000<br> StartTime: 2014-08-22 22:07:46<br>
--<br> Span: 1<br> Duration: 60 s<br> ProfileId: sip_profile / weekday<br> RateId: sip_profile / 0-24h<br> Rate: 0.0500 / 60 s<br> Price: 0.0500<br><br><br></div>but when i dial that number i am getting following error from call control, why my DestId=None ?? <br>
<br></div>cdrtool[17524]: MaxSessionTime Duration=36000 CallId=miN0QR-M_WeFgBrC94RpEw..-S From=<a href="mailto:sip%3A3003@sip.com">sip:3003@sip.com</a> Gateway=174.xxx.xxx.xxx To=<a href="mailto:sip%3A11646XXXXXXX@sip.com">sip:11646XXXXXXX@sip.com</a><br>
cdrtool[17524]: MaxSessionTime=unlimited Type=prepaid CallId=miN0QR-M_WeFgBrC94RpEw..-S BillingParty=<a href="mailto:3003@sip.com">3003@sip.com</a> DestId=None<br></div>