Hi,<br><br>I've got the following situation:<br><br>PSTN gateway Cisco IOS (not in my control) => OpenSIPS proxy => PBX/UA (not in my control)<br><br>When a fax call comes in, a T.38 re-invite is being sent from the gateway.<br>
The invite is being relayed trough the proxy, and the PBX/UA replies with 488 - Not acceptable here<br>When the 488 is being relayed trought the proxy to the gateway, the call is terminated (gateway sends BYE).<br><br>What I would like to achieve is replace the 488 with 415 - Unacceptable media type to trigger fallback to G711 on the gateway (Cisco IOS supporting fallback).<br>
I tried replacing this in the onreply_route but t_reply() is not allowed there. What would be the best way to achieve this?<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>Remco.<br>