Hi all,<br><br>Recently I was playing with the prepaid functionallity of CDRTool (8.2.3) and found out that when the customer is not explicitely defined in the field Subscriber, the domain is not looked up.<br>I have opensips (1.7.1) with call control application from apt sources (2.0.15) and when the following call is sent:<br>
<br>sent from opensips to CDRTool:<br> MaxSessionTime Duration=36000 CallId=JeJ5LJz8iCXozC1AGxhqoOIliuToIm53 From=<a href="mailto:sip%3Amas@testintern.domain.com">sip:mas@testintern.domain.com</a> Gateway=X.Y.Z.W To=sip<br>
:<a href="mailto:0034123456789@testintern.domain.com">0034123456789@testintern.domain.com</a>.. <br>##<br>reply from CDRTool<br>
error: cannot figure out the billing timezone.type=prepaid.type=prepaid<br><br>Looking in the syslog we find the right answer:<br>Feb 13 17:18:30 cdrtool cdrtool[30106]: Error: no customer found in billing_customers table for billing party=<a href="mailto:mas@testintern.domain.com">mas@testintern.domain.com</a>, domain=, gateway=X.Y.Z.W<br>
Feb 13 17:18:30 cdrtool cdrtool[30106]: error: cannot figure out the billing timezone#012type=prepaid<br><br>so it looks like the domain is not extracted from the user part and it is not checked in the billing_customers table. The query in the function lookupProfiles (file rating.php) uses $this->dictionary['domain'] as the source for the domain but in the prepaid scenario, this parameter hasn't got a value. Am I right?<br>
<br>I've tried to dig further in the code but unfortunately got lost in the exportation of the CDR's dictionary to the function that is used in prepaid scenarios.<br><br>Is there any option I'm missing? Is it possible to setup just the domain in the billing_customers table and not a line foreach prepaid customer?<br>
<br>Congratulations for the project and thanks in advance,<br>Samuel<br><br>