Hello.<br><br>I'm trying to simulate a mobility situation where a User Agent Client is connecting to a foreign SIP proxy. My setup is something like this:<br><br>UA ---> F-SIP ---> F-AAA<br> |<br>
|<br> H-SIP ---> H-AAA<br><br>The user is registered on the H-AAA server. I want to authenticate him through H-AAA, but the aaa_www_authorize function sends the username as "user@<Foreign SIP IP>", regardless of what username I choose in my softphone. So there's no way to detect the user's home domain (that my UAC provides).<br>
<br>I know I could make a custom radius_send_auth, but I wanted to follow protocol and keep the digest mechanism for registering. Or is there a way to make a custom digest auth to work with the register process?<br><br>Any advice is appreciated!<br>