Hello,<br>I have failures reported while executing the test suite of openxcap. Please find attached the file with the test results.<br><br>I have openxcap installed in one box while opensips and opensips-mi-proxy are installed in another machine.<br>
I dont have mi_xmlrpc module loaded in the opensips server.<br><br>The log file in the openxcap server has below errors:<br><br>openxcap[22941]: Starting factory <twisted.web.xmlrpc._QueryFactory instance at 0x23489e0><br>
openxcap[22941]: error: Error while notifying OpenSIPS management interface for user <a href="mailto:1122@xxx.com">1122@xxx.com</a>: <Fault -500: 'Command (refreshWatchers) processing faile$<br>openxcap[22941]: Stopping factory <twisted.web.xmlrpc._QueryFactory instance at 0x23489e0><br>
openxcap[22941]: Starting factory <twisted.web.xmlrpc._QueryFactory instance at 0x2336998><br><br><br>While the log file at the opensips end shows the below errors<br><br> opensips-mi-proxy[28624]: Got XMLRPC request from xx.xx.xx.xx: refreshWatchers (<a href="mailto:sip%3A1122@xxx.com">sip:1122@xxx.com</a> presence 0)<br>
/sbin/opensips[28592]: ERROR:presence:mi_refreshWatchers: no rules doc found for the user<br> /sbin/opensips[28592]: ERROR:mi_datagram:mi_datagram_server: failed to process the command<br> opensips-mi-proxy[28624]: error: Error while processing command refreshWatchers (<a href="mailto:sip%3A1122@xxx.com">sip:1122@xxx.com</a> presence 0): 500 command failed<br>
<br><br>Please, can some one assist me in resolving these errors. I guess I am missing some configuration.<br>Appreciate any assistance.<br><br>Thank you.<br><br>