<div>I am having some database errors with a new install of CDRTool. One error I keep seeing in my syslog is</div>
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<div>Database error: Invalid SQL: select *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AcctStartTime) as timestamp#012 from radacct201105 where (1=1) and Normalized = '0' and AcctStopTime not like '0000-00-00 00:00:00%' order by RadAcctId asc</div>
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<div>I don't see any issues with this log, but I don't know why it is trying to look for radacct201105. It was never created and the database doesn't exist since this month is 201106.</div>
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<div>Then I see another issue and this does cause issues with the CDRTool application. With this I am not able to log into the CDRTool and see the following error at the bottom of the login page</div>
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<div>MySQL error: 1036 (Table 'active_sessions' is read only) Session halted. </div>
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<div>When I look in the syslog I see the following error</div>
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<div>Database error: Invalid SQL: update active_sessions set val='Q0RSYzokdGhpcy0+aW4gPSAnJzsgJHRoaXMtP<br>nB0ID0gYXJyYXkoKTsgJHRoaXMtPnB0WydhdXRoJ10gPSAnMSc7ICR0aGlzLT5wdFsnY2hhbGxlbmdlJ10gPSAnMSc7ICRHTE9CQUxTWydhdXRoJ10gPSBuZXcgQ0RSVG9vbF9BdXRoO<br>
GgnXS0+YXV0aFsncmVmcmVzaCddID0gJzIxNDc0ODM2NDcnOyAkR0xPQkFMU1snY2hhbGxlbmdlJ10gPSAnJzsg', changed='20110606111425', count=count+1 where sid=<br>'99eeb2a6426095d5708d0a5149196bae' and name='CDRc'</div>
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<div>If I stop cdrtool and try to restart it I am not able to restart CDRTool and see the following error in syslog</div>
<div>Database error: Invalid SQL: delete from memcache where `key` = 'destinations_sip' or `key` = 'destinations'</div>
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<div>In order to get CDRTool to start up again I have to stop and restart MySQL database.</div>
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<div>Any ideas what could be wrong? This is the latest version of CDRTool and I am running it on Ubuntu Maverick.</div>
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