Hello, <br><br>i'm Neven, a freshman at OpenSIPS. I'm using OpenSIPS 1.6.3 /w Control Panel 4.0.<br>Now I have question about generating CDRs and Dialogs.<br>MI connector is setup correctly, smonitor is working properly also.<br>
<br>I have two extensions 41001 and 41002, which use authentication, and they can communicate normally.<br><br>Now I have two problems:<br><br>1. When I have call in progress i should see that dialog by issuing "dlg_list" command, correct me if I'm wrong. But when I use "dlg_list" command (command is issued inside CP, under MI frontend) I get something like "Executed successfully, output not generated". In database OPENSIPS I also don't see dialog data in table, neither in CP -> System -> Dialog<br>
Part of opensips.cfg for dialog (some parts are omitted)<br><br>loadmodule "rr.so"<br>loadmodule "tm.so"<br>loadmodule "dialog.so"<br><br>modparam("dialog", "enable_stats", 1)<br>
modparam("dialog", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")<br>modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 1)<br>modparam("dialog", "db_update_period", 90)<br>
modparam("dialog", "table_name", "dialog")<br><br>This is my first problem... :(<br><br>2. My second problem is with CDRS... I can get any CDRS generated, i've even try manually run generate-cdrs_mysql.sh during call, I tried directly in database to call stored procedure, I tried to run script using cron, but with no success. I've tried to set permissions to 777. <br>
This was the first thing i've done: <br><br>mysql –D opensips -p < cdrs.sql<br>mysql –u root –p<br>mysql> use opensips<br>mysql –D opensips -p < opensips_cdrs_1_6.mysql<br><br> I put correct database credentials and data in generate-cdrs_mysql.sh.<br>
<br>But i don't know what problem is....<br><br>I assume my connection to database is working because "location" table is filling when new peer registers to server.<br><br>3. And i have question (you haven't seen that coming :) ) which is best method for accounting RADIUS or generating cdrs via generate-cdrs_mysql.sh script.<br>
<br><br>Please help me :)<br>P.S. Sorry if some of questions were stupid, but i need somewhere to start. And it seems I stuck at very beginning, and i'm long way from NAT traversal, drouting and other complex things.<br>