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Thank you Anca, I'm working on it and I'll post the specific part of the routing logic as soon as finished.<br><br><hr id="stopSpelling">From: lebron_najib@hotmail.com<br>To: users@lists.opensips.org<br>Subject: Adding data to a request before relaying it<br>Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 08:55:05 +0000<br><br>
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Hi everybody,<br><br>I'm a newer in the OpenSIPS world and I'm trying to learn how to use it efficiently.<br>I'm working on a project where I have to modify incoming requests before relaying them to their first destination.<br>By modifying, I mean sending those requests to a server which will send back messages with the additional data to implement in the requests.<br>The next step is to collect those informations from the responses and add them to the initial requests which will be relayed to their initial destination.<br>My question is: is OpenSIPS capable of doing this ?<br><br>For more detail, here is a scheme.<br><br>Thank you in advance for your responses<br> </body>