Hi,<br><br>I want to be able to make http REST request to some http server, and transform<br>these requests into SIP MESSAGE requests. <br><br>I made a prototype that works using several sip clients embedded into an http server. This kinda works.<br>
I would like to suppress the http server, and make request directly to the OpenSIPS registrar.<br><br>I found out about the mi_xmlrpc module, which makes opensips understand http, but I cannot<br>find out how to get the http requests in the opensips.cfg file. <br>
In kamalio they seems to have some <span style="visibility: visible;" id="main"><span style="visibility: visible;" id="search"> <em>modparam</em>("<em>xmlrpc</em>", "<em>route</em>", "XMLRPC");)<br>
which allows to declare a route in the config file to get the http request. <br>I could not find the equivalent in mi_xmlrpc.<br><br>So first question, does this exists in opensips, how can I get the http requests ?<br>Second, do you think it is a good idea to do this way ? Have you got another idea ? </span></span><br clear="all">
<br>Regards,<br><br>-- <br>Remi<br><br>