I just checked out a fresh copy of the 1.6 branch, updated my Makefile making just the following changes:<br><br>exclude_modules?= jabber xmpp rls mi_xmlrpc xcap_client \<br> db_postgres db_unixodbc db_oracle db_berkeley aaa_radius \<br>
osp perlvdb mmgeoip \<br> presence presence_xml presence_mwi presence_dialoginfo \<br> pua pua_bla pua_mi pua_usrloc pua_xmpp pua_dialoginfo \<br> ldap h350 memcached db_http json<br><br>No errors on the install, but am getting this when I try to create the DB:<br>
<br>root@ip-10-251-126-130:/usr/local/etc/opensips# opensipsdbctl create<br>/usr/local/lib/opensips/opensipsctl/opensipsdbctl.base: 35: Syntax error: Missing '}'<br><br>Never had this one before. Ideas? I'm going to see if I can manually fix, but wondering if this is something broken in the source.<br>
<br>Thanks.<br clear="all"><br>-dg<br>